Problem Read two nteger values (A and B). After, the program should print the message "Sao Multiplos" (are multiples) or "Nao sao Multiplos" (aren’t multiples), corresponding to the read values. Input The input has two integer numbers. Output Print the relative message to the input as stated above. Solution C programming source code for uri online judge beginner problem 1044-Multiples: #include<stdio.h> int main() { int a,b; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); if(a%b==0 || b%a==0) printf("Sao Multiplos\n"); else printf("Nao sao Multiplos\n"); return 0; } How it works? This is the beginner level problem of uri online judge.Here you would have to check if one the number is dividable by other one.If it is then you should print the first message if not then you should print the second message.Hopefully you would understand th...